Monday, April 21, 2008

Blogging for Earth Day

In honor of Earth Day I'm brainstorming a list of things we can all do to lessen our carbon footprint. Please feel free to add your suggestions to the comments. I'll update the list as things come up!
  • Recycle. This is obvious, but every time I go to some one's house I see something in their garbage that could be recycled. Usually it's junk mail, but sometimes it's a toilet paper roll or a milk container or even a cereal box. Most recycling programs accepts all kinds of plastics, papers (including wrapping paper), glass, and metal. You might be surprised to find out that some of the things you've been putting in the trash can actually be recycled.
  • Buy organic.
  • Shop for locally produced foods and goods.
  • Bring reusable shopping bags with you where ever you shop. Whole Foods and Hannafords (our local supermarket) sells them for only $0.99.
  • Don't leave phone and other chargers plugged in when not in use. Power down your computer at the end of the day.
  • Use CFL light bulbs.
  • If you have a desktop monitor, try using Blackle instead of Google. It's Google only with a black screen -- did you know that black web pages use less energy? Apparently this doesn't apply to laptop users.
  • Don't leave your car idling. Restarting it uses less gas than leaving it running.
  • Purchase green household cleaning products.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

My birthday is fast approaching so I decided to celebrate it with a new point and shoot camera. It's super tiny and has cool functions and is so freaking cute. And yes, I've crossed over to Canon just this once. Won't happen again, I promise! I'll let you know how it works as soon as I get it from B&H.

Friday, April 11, 2008

April Special

For the month of April, book a wedding or other special event and receive a $100 gift credit to use towards reprints and other items in the Pictage catalogue (cannot be used towards custom finished albums). In order to receive this special offer you must mention it on your contract.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Guest Sign In Books

I recently had a request for a custom guest sign in book. I never thought too much about offering them until I started looking to see what books I could find. Well I am now completely sold on the idea and am happy to offer to all of my clients custom designed guest sign in books. Images from your engagement session with me will be artfully laid out on 28 sides, allowing ample space for guest to write their wedding blessings to you. I will be ordering a sample this week and promise to post some images here when I receive the finished product. In the meantime, please contact me if you would like for more information.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Bar Harbor

Later this summer I'm photographing a wedding in Northeast Harbor at the Asticou Inn. That weekend also happens to be my wedding anniversary (6 years) so the husband and I have decided to make a long weekend out of it. Because we are bringing the bambino we are going to need some space. Check out the awesome Carriage House we booked at the Harbour Cottage Inn in Southeast Harbor. It's pricey, but I have no doubt having the additional space and kitchen area will be handy with baby in tow.

I've never been to Bar Habor. Please share your favorite things to see and do there.