Monday, June 30, 2008
One Year Today
Happy first anniversary to Steph and Brian who were married this time last year in Rhode Island. Hope your first year of marriage has been wonderful!
Email Alert
I woke up this morning to a massive SPAM attack. We're talking 500+ spams. If you don't receive a reply to an email you sent to me, it's possible I've deleted it along with all of the spam. The problem at this time is on going so call me.
[UPDATE Problem is solved. Thanks for your patience!]
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Happy 1st Anniversary
Happy anniversary to Kate and Tim, married this day last year at the Spruce Point Inn.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The End is Near
My Recession Buster deal is nearing its end. You've got just four days to book your 2009 wedding at 20% off.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Skowhegan Wedding
Laura and Rusty's wedding was one of the most relaxing events I've ever photographed. It was a treat to spend the afternoon with them. They tented their backyard and invited family and friends to join them for their afternoon wedding ceremony and a lobster feast. After the ceremony, the kids wasted no time getting out of their dressy clothes and jumping in the pool. I stayed long enough to score a slice of the decadent chocolate wedding cake before making the long drive home.
Congratulations, Laura and Rusty!

Congratulations, Laura and Rusty!
Laura was a very organized bride. She also was a very crafty (as in arts and crafts) one, too.

A detail of the beautiful sign in book

Checking out the cakes -- everyone loves cake, especially when there are three of them!
The DJ was setting up below this window, and we were treated to the most fitting tune, Bob Marley's Three Little Birds.

Working It
Saturday was awesome. It was a little hard to leave my baby, but getting back to wedding work was really exciting. Yesterday I received the following email from Saturday's bride. I just love her sentiments about her wedding day, and I hope all my clients feel like this the day after their wedding. I'll be posting some images from the wedding here soon (hopefully before the bride and groom leave for their honeymoon).
Dear Amy,
I wanted to thank you for all your work yesterday. So many people said to me afterwards that they were impressed by the way you approach your work, how you seemed to be both everywhere and not obviously anywhere at the same time, and I think many people who are not normally comfortable having their pictures taken felt less funny about it because of your attitude and sense of humor.
We are so looking forward to seeing the pictures when we return from Greece-we could not have had a better day, I think, and as I told our friend Bart the caterer, if I had made a movie of how I wanted it to be, it would have been very much the same as it was. We are very lucky people!
It was good to work with you again-let's hope we have some more nice days!
Friday, June 20, 2008
So It Begins
I'm off to Skowhegan to start my wedding season this weekend. My quasi maternity leave is officially over. It will be hard to leave my little guy every weekend, but I'm super excited to get back to work. I'll be posting images and slideshows all summer so make sure to check back regularly for new stuff.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
All Grown Up
I first met Sydney when she was only 8 weeks old. She was a teeny weeny baby with big blue eyes. Her mother seemed completely together -- an inspiration for me at a couple of months pregnant -- and Sydney was an easy and willing subject. By our second session, winter had arrived. Sydney remained completely content to be photographed while the rest of us froze for some sea side pictures at Kettle Cove. On the occasion of her first birthday we met again at the beach. I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw how big she had gotten. Now a full-on toddler, I was worried we'd be chasing her all over the beach trying to get a good shot. Once again she proved to be a joy to photograph. Thank you, Kristina and Jim, for connecting me with your friends. It has been a real pleasure getting to know them and watching Sydney grow.

Look at the tongue on this one:

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Engagement Session
When Cristy hired me for an engagement portrait session, I thought the greatest challenge was going to be designing the large, 11x14 sign in book she wanted. Then she added a wrinkle -- they would be dressed up for the shoot. Normally my couples dress down for their esessions. We go to the beach, climb on some rocks, get our feet wet. All I could think of in the days leading up to the shoot was what I was going to do with a couple in a cocktail dress and suit. After about two minutes with them I knew I had worried for nothing. I couldn't have asked for two more photogenic and easy going subjects. And check out Cristy's gorgeous shoes. Cobblestones and rocks didn't slow her down one bit. I had so much fun with Cristy and Justin that I'm really sad they are getting married in Miami and already have a photographer down there. Check out the slideshow and then tell me if you have ever seen two more attractive dentist (yes, they are both dentists) in your life?
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Some Wedding Trends Are Not So Good
I was looking for a link to post here on the green weddings blurb in this week's Newsweek Magazine. Instead I came across this story about some interesting new wedding trends. Hey, I'm all for elaborate flowers, ring-bearing dogs, and costume changes. And I love cake, so bring on the individual mini wedding cakes. Yummy. But a bridesmaid prenup? Not so much.
Here's the blurb on green wedding ideas. I love the suggestion of donating your bridesmaids dresses.
Monday, June 09, 2008
The Ultimate Personalized Candy
You all have been to weddings where the couple has m&m's in their wedding colors with their names and wedding date on them. Now you can do even better by ordering m&m's with your picture on them! I kid you not. That's something sure to make an impression your wedding guests. Check it out here.
Friday, June 06, 2008
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
What's Buyer's Remorse?
This is coming on Friday. I know it's going to make shooting a freaking dream, but I'm in a bit of a panic about the price tag. It took me the entire month of May to decide to buy it and then most of this week to summon the courage to pull the trigger. Hopefully once I start using it I will decide that it was worth every penny (word is it's true).

Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Dream Wedding Contest
I just stumbled across this contest giving away a "dream wedding" worth up to $100,000. It's sponsored by Us Magazine and the Wedding Channel. Good luck!
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